Page name: Dir En Grey's Castle Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-23 18:28:05
Last author: Yudan333
Owner: Yudan333
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Dir En Grey's Castle Room


Profile: Yudan's Anthropians

Ahh the playful wolf boy! Such a lively room! He has toys and game boards that he was able to salvage and a bright room to keep his energy up! He is a shifter so he may appear as someone else however don't worry I am sure he is just playing around as he usually does!

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2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey drops his clothes and ran in tackling the bear on the ground and then rushed to the desk and barks to the blue bowl filled with macaroni and yips, "You can eat it there, the chair you will fit just right in. Oh if ya want you can stay with me! See i have another bed." He nods up to the top bunk then saw his tail and growls began chasing it; round and round he went till he tipped over dizzily.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: The girl gave another hesitant smile as he spoke, and then, once more she giggled when he started to chase his tail only to make himself dizzy. Once more the stuffed rabbit was held in one hand as she grabbed the bowl with the other, before (somehow) sitting down. She was a bit too short to reach the desk while seated...Irving noted that Grey had actually made sure he'd put a fork in the bowl of noodles and cheese. Ariston, more than reluctant to do so, gently placed Irving on the floor next to the chair and began to eat slowly. Stopping after she'd eaten a few mouthfuls (and making sure she'd swallowed before she spoke) the girl said, "...what about you? What will you eat...Dir En Grey?" She would have added the title 'Mister' but, somehow little Ari knew it didn't really fit him...and that he probably wouldn't like it anyway.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey smiled as she began to eat and be began to play with the stuffed polar bear on the ground and rolled with it and bit and tugs it. When it rolled on him he struggled under it as he poked his head out to the girl and tilted his head, "Me? Hmm. I could go make some more. Or ramen. I'll find something don't worry." He looked to the bunny on the ground and slowly crawled up to nip and sniffed his foot and lightly put his paw to him then jumped back in case he'd move of his own free will, "If it's easier call me Grey I got a long name. "Can he move?" He tilts his head ear flopped to side and one up; his curled tail wagging.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: She smiled as she watched him play around, "Okay..." she said in response to his comment. Ariston grew noticeably tense when Grey moved closer to Irving, almost like she was afraid he was going to take him away...Irving's eyes scowled at the pup, "...In answer to your yapping," he said, "I cannot move...if I could she wouldn't have to carry me everywhere..." Ariston chose to speak up now, more relaxed now that she knew Grey wasn't trying to take her bunny, "...but I like carrying you around Mister Irving!" Irving gave a little 'harumph,' though it was more a grudging admission that he was pleased with her remark, than it was of disapproval.

2011-08-01 [Yudan333]: Grey looked to the bunny and smiled then wags his tail, "So that's your name? Irving. Hmm well what a wonderful name for a great friend." He smiled and then drug his tongue over the dolls cheek then pranced off and looked back laughing but not paying attention ran right into the dresser. He hit rather hard and when he did the pillow from the upper bunk fell right over him. Silence wasn't very assuring.

2011-08-01 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes watched as Grey talked to Irving...then licked him. She gave a giggle; the rabbit would definitely not enjoy that...Getting up she managed to put the now empty bowl back on the desktop, only to end up sitting down on the floor a few seconds later. The rabbit merely looked disgusted, " slobber..." was all he managed to get out before the child picked him up and hugged him. Ari could only watch open mouthed as the pillow landed ontop of the pup. "...Idiot..." muttered the bunny, though he did begin to feel a twinge of concern when the other had made no sound or moved after a few moments.

In relative short order, a shadowy figure made itself known. Ariston's eyes held raw fear until the figure, now in human shape with glowing red eyes, reached down to remove the pillow then disappeared. Guess it's not to interested in going after her right now, Irving thought, and thank goodness for that...

Rising to her feet, worry etched onto her features, the girl moved closer to the prone form of Grey, clutching the stuffed rabbit tightly to her. "Grey?" Voice was fearful, concerned...and barely above a whisper.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Grey didn't feel the pillow hit him he only saw darkness when hitting something. He had forgotten what was happening. Their was.. a girl... a rabbit... am i in wonderland? The darkness began to fade into light and he winced hearing the child call him and in pup form still he gave a small whine before opening his eyes and putting his paws slowly on his head as the pain began to hit him. He slowly looked down and tears left his cheeks but it was curious as too why? Was the hit that hard or was it something else? I don't want to scare her away... what i am is nothing but a monster... She deserves better... I will make it my goal to see that another child will be able to protect her even from something as wretched as me...

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: She saw him move and moved closer, breathing a sigh of relief...truth be told, she had not realized she'd been holding her breath until it came out in a 'woosh'. Kneeling down in front of him, she began to pet his ears, "...Are you okay?" "He'd better be," huffed the rabbit. A small cloud of silver butterflies alighted on the puppy, not harming but healing...They did as their mistress wished...though often she was not actually aware of asking them to do so.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: He looked up to her with sad silver eyes and then his gaze fell as his entire self was filled with doubt and still being a child at heart he couldn't just grow up about it and push it aside. But he had too. He was the adult. He didn't want to be but he was. He rubbed his eyes and then paws her knees gently as he lightly nipped at her arm making small gruff grunts and gnarls.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes stared into Grey's, unreadable. The smile on her face was somewhat sorrowful as he began to play once more, "...A child in spirit, an adult in's difficult to balance the two, but it can be done..." voice was soft, serious, and then, it was like she'd never spoken at all...Ariston's smile was genuine again, if not a bit hesitant like all the times before, and she hugged him again, this time being careful not to choke him...and after awhile, she yawned. Shaking her head slightly, she gave a small frown. The girl didn't want to go to sleep yet...she was having fun.

Irving stayed silent...even when his charge seemed weary, he was content to let her tire herself out...she'd not really had any fun for quite some time...and besides, when she finally slept, she'd sleep deeply...something she'd managed to keep herself from doing for the past few months...

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: His ears had perked hearing her and he whined softly as if wishing she had only understood how hard it was. He clung tightly to her licking her cheek when she hugged him. He missed hugs; he never really got them but if he could he would surely indulge in getting them even if he was in another form. He then smiled seeing her yawn then though of something they could do to pass time till she grew too sleepy, "Wanna play a game? Or color? I got jenga which is a fun stacking game and then I have a bunch of coloring books!" He wags his curly husky tail.

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